Cappuccino OC
JoinedTopics Started by Cappuccino OC
Claim your refund - music CD settlement -
by Cappuccino OC inif you do not wish to be a member of the settlement group, you may exclude yourself by writing to the compact disc map antitrust litigation administrator as outlined in the notice of proposed settlement .
deadline to exclude yourself:if you do not wish to be a member of the settlement group, you may exclude yourself by writing to counsel as outlined in the notice of proposed settlement.
deadline to file a notice of intention to appear and object:if you remain a member of the settlement group, you or your counsel have the right to appear before the court and object to the settlement.
My Finale on the Internet - Forword to 3 Parts
by Amazing inlife is tough regardless of whether we were ever jws.
my own life has taken some twists and turns i did not expect or like ... and i have to focus all my attention now on getting my badly needed open-heart surgery or face death in about six months ... so in the next couple of days, i am making the last of three posts for a while ... then all my efforts will be aimed at getting better, and facing some issues in my life and making the best decisions possible for me and my family.
i decided to limit many activities because i tend to do too much and neglect some things that i should not ... this is not a good-bye post, but more of a long vacation post.
WTS Bills Cong's who don't donate enough $$$$
by Cappuccino OC inin a thread about the new wt video on kora, two posters mentioned that the wts sends out bills/statements to the congregations that don't send enough money for the literature/study materials/videos, etc.
two different posters mentioned in the thread "letter read out to congregations" (page one) one bill was for 2k and the other one for $1,400.
(i'm assuming u.s. dollars) .
Chocolate chip cookie (Need killer recipe)
by Cappuccino OC incalling all gourmet dessert cooks,.
i forgot my friend's birthday.
he's becomming a father figure to me.
Any University students here? (part II)
by happysunshine inthe start of this thread is here:.
FRESNO to Modesto areas!
by NaruNaruChan inanybody from fresno or modesto areas post here!
i'm loooking to see how many others are from where i am from and i got a good response earlier.
Thank you "poster" who edited my rese...
by Cappuccino OC ina poster from this e-mail to the time to edit my first graduate research paper.
the poster e-mailed me & wished to remain anonymous.
even though i've had a tough quarter (1st yr. grad student), there have been many things that have brough smiles to my heart like the example above.
Elder gets probation
by izobcenec insex treatment programme order for man
november 29, 2002 22:50 .
senior jehovah's witness john pickrell is to undergo a sex offenders treatment programme.. .
Ripped off by JW
by Sadie5 inmy hubby has been doing photo assignments for the local newspaper.
two weeks ago, i got a call from a jw wanting a copy of photo he had taken.
it had some of her family members in it.. the phone call was strange, she didn't identify herself but we have caller id, so i knew who it was.